Club de Madrid Articles

Live Session: Digital Technologies, Elections and Democracy in times of COVID-19

Politics has now caught up with digitalization, but policy is still lagging behind. How can we improve electoral governance in the COVID-19 era? How can we hold electoral processes in the COVID-19 era while maintaining political and electoral rights? Join us in this Online AIWS Roundtable and Club de Madrid Live Session in collaboration with the Boston Global Forum.

Live Session: Movilidad en tiempos de crisis – La pandemia del COVID-19 como oportunidad para repensar las migraciones en América Latina

Access content in English below La crisis del COVID-19 afecta desproporcionadamente a los colectivos más vulnerables, entre ellos a las personas migrantes. ¿Cómo afectará la pandemia a los flujos de migración que se están produciendo en América Latina?  La...

Members join online summit to commemorate Nelson Mandela

On Nelson Mandela Day, Club de Madrid joined the Mandela Bridges World E-Summit to commemorate the legacy of the South African politician in the defence of human rights and the reconciliation of peoples. Since 2009, the United Nations recognizes 18 July (Nelson...

Live Session: An Inclusive, Global Strategy to #LeaveNoOneBehind during and after COVID-19

As the UN Secretary General and Club de Madrid Member, António Guterres put it, “we must tackle the devastating social and economic dimensions of this crisis, with a focus on the most affected”. Traditionally marginalised and vulnerable social groups cannot be left...