Leadership for Net Zero at COP27

23 November, 2022

An initiative aimed to generate an international and multidisciplinary debate that values the role of leadership in the fight against climate change.

European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean: A Future of Shared Values

28 October, 2022

The year 2023 will be an important year for the Spanish efforts to contribute to the strengthening of the European project. The building of a link between Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean is, at the very least, strategic.

Club de Madrid’s statement on the Russian decision on the annexation of Ukrainian territory

3 October, 2022

The Club de Madrid condemns the illegal and sham referenda conducted by Russia in the partially occupied provinces of Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk and Zaporizhzhia.

Roundtable on the value of science and research in political decision-making

27 September, 2022

This approach places the best available scientific evidence at the center of policy development and implementation.

‘Eradication of racism will be the most important step toward lasting harmonic peace’

21 September, 2022

Achieving a world without racism is the UN’s goal for the International Day of Peace 2022.

Club de Madrid Members at Culture Summit 2022 in Abu Dhabi

19 September, 2022

Club de Madrid Members, Joyce Banda, Dalia Grybauskaitė and Ivo Josipović, will be discussing the role of culture in making resilient and shared societies.

Club de Madrid commemorates International Day of Democracy with a conversation with Helen Clark on the Mega Crisis

15 September, 2022

The former Prime Minister of New Zealand and the online magazine discuss, in podcast format, the current state of democracies as a starting point for the upcoming Club de Madrid Annual Policy Dialogue

Transforming Education

9 September, 2022

This article by our Members Joyce Banda, Danilo Türk and Jorge Quiroga was originally published on Project Syndicate.

Club de Madrid mourns the loss of one of its main Founding Members Mikhail Gorbachev

31 August, 2022

The former Soviet leader, co-founder of Club de Madrid, was one of the most crucial world figures in the last quarter of the 20th century

Responding to pandemics: Africa must be part of the discussion

22 August, 2022

As the World Health Organization attempts to put in place a global response to pandemics, it is crucial that Africa, speaking with one voice, takes part in the debate and is not left out. But the continent also has a responsibility to collectively improve its health systems.

Open Letter to the Leaders of the Republic of Georgia

17 August, 2022

We appeal to Georgian President, Prime Minister and all Georgian authorities to take the necessary legal steps to make it possible for President Saakashvili to receive medical treatment

Step in the Right Direction for the New Pandemic Treaty

8 August, 2022

A global, coordinated response to contain health threats and deliver countermeasures equitably is essential to stopping outbreaks from becoming global pandemics

Club de Madrid mourns the loss of President Fidel V. Ramos

1 August, 2022

The retired general led the forces that put an end to the dictatorship of the late Ferdinand Marcos and then ensured the protection of democracy in his country and was one of the drafters of the Charter of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

Withdrawing Women’s Rights Damages Democracy

15 July, 2022

The US Supreme Court has overturned the 1973 Roe v. Wade sentence which made the right to abortion constitutional for women in the United States.

Letter to Kais Saied, President of the Republic of Tunisia

1 July, 2022

Club de Madrid calls upon Tunisian authorities to observe the essence of democratic values, fair judicial process and the rule of law, in respect of his rights and freedoms, as guaranteed to all Tunisian citizens in the country’s constitution

We need an International Anti-Corruption Court

27 June, 2022

Citizens correctly wonder how these crimes can continue to go unpunished, while the middle classes are stagnated and tired of facing the consequences of crisis after crisis.