Club de Madrid congratulates Htian Kya, first ever civilian to be elected President of Myanmar in 50 years

In this regard, six Club de Madrid Members has taken part in five High Level missions since February 2015. In their visits, these former Presidents and Prime Ministers have shared their own experiences in democratic transitions and listened to Myanmar political actor’s concerns and challenges in recent years reaching out to top leaders,civil society on key issues outlined in the project: peaceful, free and fair elections, decentralization models, economic development, social inclusion, reconciliation policies and political experiences.

The Club de Madrid has positioned itself as a privileged interlocutor with regards to the Myanmar main political actors in the framework of the “High Level Support for Effective Dialogue in Myanmar: Towards Democratic Transition and Shared Societies” Project, funded by The Charitable Foundation. 

These are the Club de Madrid Members that have been involved in our initiatives in Myanmar

  • PM Jigme Thinley, that led Bhutan from monarchy to a democracy,
  • PM Han Seung Soo, who played the leading role in furthering his government’s policy of peace and reconciliation (“Sunshine Policy”) on the Korean Peninsula,
  • President Boris Tadic who was the first to democratically lead the former Yugoslavia new born Serbia,
  • Alfred Gusenbauer, former Chancellor of the Austrian federal nation,
  • Chandrika Kumaratunga who played a central role in Sri Lanka to negotiate reconciliation in her country
  • Ricardo Lagos who shared his experiences and lessons learnt on Chile’s democratic transition after Pinochet’s dictatorship, has greatly contributed to Myanmar’s road to Democracy.