Danilo Türk proposes summit to “rescue Agenda 2030”

20 July, 2021

Watch below a video summary of Danilo Türk’s intervention at the Symi Symposium

Webinar: The Art of Democratic Politics and the Challenges of Globalization

2 July, 2021

The debates touch upon the future of democracy in Brazil and around the world, the role of intellectuals in politics, and social inequality, among other topics.

Social Development policies after the COVID-19 pandemic: Reducing inequalities to make everyone count

30 June, 2021

Join us for this side event of the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development to be held on 6 July at 13:00-14:30 (New York time) / 19:00-20:30 (CET Time)

Time for a Second World Summit for Social Development. Let’s Leave No One Behind After COVID-19

28 June, 2021

It is necessary to ensure equal opportunity for all individuals and groups taking part in our society, independently of their characteristics, backgrounds or identity.

Club de Madrid demands the immediate release of opponents and candidates in Nicaragua

25 June, 2021

Ahead of the elections to be held in November, the organization strongly condemns the serious deterioration of fundamental rights and urges democratic governments and leaders to protect Nicaraguan democracy

Lagumdzija brings Shared Societies to young leaders of the Euromed region

9 June, 2021

Each Public Dialogue will set a series of key questions around the topic, invite participants to address them, and finally open the floor for discussion.

Club de Madrid proposes urgent Social Development Summit to meet SDGs and fulfill UN75 Declaration

8 June, 2021

President Danilo Türk and Member Jan Peter Balkenende contributed to the report “Fulfilling the UN75 Declaration’s Promise», a collection of expert insight into revitalising the UN system

Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and Helen Clark urge concrete political action on pandemic preparedness

7 June, 2021

The Co-Chairs of the Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response, Helen Clark and Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, who are also Members of Club de Madrid, present the Panel’s report to the World Health Assembly

Club de Madrid calls for an international treaty on global health

20 May, 2021

Provisions in the treaty should include incentives and deterrents to promote compliance, guarantee an effective early warning mechanism during outbreaks, and ensure the timely sharing of epidemiological data.

Peace in the Age of Chaos: How peace can help us solve global challenges

19 May, 2021

Steve Killelea, Founder of the Institute for Economics and Peace and a Member of our President’s Circle published ‘Peace in the Age of Chaos’. The book is a fresh take on achieving peaceful societies and the level of cooperation we need to address pressing global challenges

International perspectives on information policy and media development in the digital age

11 May, 2021

The webinar, to be held on 19 May at 11:00 Brussels time / 15:00 Bishkek time, will offer recommendations for the inclusive development of the Information Policy Concept of the Kyrgyz Republic. Register below! 

Europe Day: Let’s talk about the future of the European Union!

7 May, 2021

Our recommendations for a green, digital and values-based European Union  

The United States backs a suspension of intellectual property for COVID-19 vaccines and EU open to discuss

6 May, 2021

Forty-six Members of Club de Madrid joined other former heads of state and government and Nobel laureates in calling on President Biden to support the wavier 


Club de Madrid joins appeal by nearly 400 Parliamentarians urging the EU to support a TRIPS waiver

26 April, 2021

Nearly 400 MEPs and National Parliamentarians have urged the EU to support an intellectual property waiver for COVID-19 vaccines

Rising to the Occasion: Regional Leaders Must Act Decisively on Myanmar

23 April, 2021

Club de Madrid and the Kofi Annan Foundation publish a joint statement on Myanmar ahead of the ASEAN leaders meeting in Jakarta

Global Learning on Democratic Innovation: A Webinars Series

23 April, 2021

Club de Madrid, Public Agenda and Participedia hold a series of webinars to discuss recommendations and innovative approaches for a reboot of America’s democracy