The recent appointment of two of our Members to the United Nations High-Level Advisory Board on Effective Multilateralism is just a small example of Club de Madrid's work in this field, which is one of our most solid pillars. Our organization's efforts in this field go far beyond that, and have...
Democracy at a tipping point?
Democracy cannot be taken for granted. It has to be protected and supported by all means, at the domestic and international level, harnessing its capacity for self-correction and innovation. The world is facing complex global challenges that require agile and effective responses from their...
Two Club de Madrid Members are part of the UN High-Level Advisory Board on Effective Multilateralism
The report proposes a Summit of the Future in 2023 to advance ideas for governance arrangements in certain areas that could be considered global public goods or global commons.
Experts meeting paves way to Imperial Springs International Forum 2019
A delegation of World Leadership Alliance-Club de Madrid (WLA-CdM) led by President Danilo TĂ¼rk met for this year's...
Helen Clark and Laura Chinchilla propose ways to achieving SDGs at High-Level Political Forum
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were agreed upon by UN Member States, but these are not the only key players...
Thinley calls on including all in economic policy-making
Jigme Thinley, the former Prime Minister of Bhutan, led a Shared Societies mission between 11-14 June in London...
Laura Chinchilla advocates for inclusive migration in Dominican Republic
The Vice President of WLA-CdM led a mission to the Dominican Republic between 9 and 12 June aimed at promoting...
Technology can foster equality, says Member Lagos
Member of World Leadership Alliance - Club de Madrid (WLA-CdM), Ricardo Lagos, spoke at a seminar organized by the...
UN Secretary-General’s High-level Panel calls for global cooperation around digital technologies
The Panel, of which the objective is to examine how digital technologies can contribute to achieving theAgenda2030, has a total of 20 members, representing experts from government, private industry, civil society, academia and the technical community.
Club de Madrid Member Ricardo Lagos Tackles Climate Change
World Leadership Alliance-Club de Madrid Member Ricardo Lagos has launched a new web campaign that aims to promote...
Members discuss Fall of the Berlin Wall, the EU and Venezuela at Estoril Conferences
The Secretary-General of World Leadership Alliance - Club de Madrid, MarĂa Elena AgĂ¼ero, kicked off the debate on the...
Estoril Conferences hosts Club de Madrid Members to address global challenges
Danilo TĂ¼rk - Discussing Human Rights and Duties “The world is better than in 1948, but it is not better for...