Global leadership for the COVID-19 pandemic is the only way to leave no one behind

3 April, 2020

By Members Jan Peter Balkenende, Ban Ki-moon, Kjell Magne Bondevik, Helen Clark, Benjamin Mkapa, Ricardo Lagos, Kevin Rudd, Aminata Touré, and Danilo Türk

Message from Club de Madrid to the special G20 Leaders’ summit on the COVID-19 pandemic

25 March, 2020

Today, global health, our common global good, is threatened. Collective response and visionary action are necessary.

Follow Club de Madrid on Instagram!

25 March, 2020

Club de Madrid is delighted to announce that you can now follow us on Instagram through our official account

Türk and Tadic support regional efforts to address Latin America’s shifting migration flows

24 March, 2020

Collaborating with the Department for Social Inclusion of the Organization of the American States and the Migration Policy Institute, WLA-CdM held a roundtable on migration in Washington DC


18 March, 2020

Following the recommendations of national and international health authorities, Club de Madrid Secretariat is working from home.

OPED: Women, find the leader in yourself!

8 March, 2020

Read below an op-ed signed by Club de Madrid female Members and published by the Thomson Reuters Foundation on occasion of International Women’s Day 2020. Laura Chinchilla, Helen Clark, Tarja Halonen, Roza Otunbayeva, and Jennifer Mary Shipley, sign the piece.

Club de Madrid mourns the loss of Javier Pérez de Cuellar

5 March, 2020

A key figure in the multilateral system, Javier Pérez de Cuellar managed to ease regional tensions in the midst of the Cold War during his tenure as UN Secretary General. His deep-rooted democratic credentials were self-evident in leading Peru’s interim government to deliver free and fair elections after a period of authoritarian rule. 

International Women’s Day 2020: First and second-time female Heads of State or Government demand more women in leadership

5 March, 2020

Club de Madrid Members Laura Chinchilla, Helen Clark, Tarja Halonen, Roza Otunbayeva and  Jenny Shipley speak to us on International Women’s Day to reflect on the hurdles of female leadership. They wish to see more women and girls pursue leadership positions. 

A strengthened multilateral system could protect us from threats like coronavirus, states Club de Madrid President

10 February, 2020

The President of the Club de Madrid, Danilo Türk, and Members Helen Clark, Zlatko Lagumdzija, Ban Ki-moon and Kevin Rudd highlight how states and the international community are coming together to fight the coronavirus

Female leaders in the 21st century with Helen Clark

3 February, 2020

Members of Club de Madrid spoke at the Raisina Dialogues 2020. Read Helen Clark speak on female leadership below

Carl Bildt: “The outcome of technological conflicts will shape the future”

3 February, 2020

Members of Club de Madrid spoke at the Raisina Dialogues 2020. Read Carl Bildt’s intervention below

Han Seung-soo: “We need a paradigm shift in our growth models”

3 February, 2020

Members of Club de Madrid spoke at the Raisina Dialogues 2020. Read Han Seung-soo’s intervention below. 

Helen Clark sounds the alarm bell on sustainable development and climate change

3 February, 2020

Members of Club de Madrid spoke at the Raisina Dialogues 2020. Read Helen Clark’s intervention below

Jan Peter Balkenende: “The private sector needs to be engaged in sustainability”

3 February, 2020

The former Dutch Prime Minister gave a keynote speech at the launch of the Global Report on the State of the SDGs. The report is produced by Southern Voice, a network of over fifty think tanks from Africa, Asia and Latin America.

Club de Madrid presents its 2020-2022 strategy to address mounting challenges to democracy

20 January, 2020

The largest forum of democratic former PMs and Presidents presents a blueprint that will guide its action for the next three years

Danilo Türk becomes the new President of Club de Madrid

1 January, 2020

The former President of Slovenia steps in after six years of leadership by Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga, the former President of Latvia