II Global Shared Societies Forum in Baku

Few countries today are totally homogeneous and most are multicultural for a variety of historical or contemporary reasons. That poses challenges for internal peace and security, as well as for social justice and inclusivity. In some countries and regions, peace,...

Adolfo Suárez, a legacy of extraordinary courage

Adolfo Suárez has been and continues to be an inspiration for the Club de Madrid. Our organization formed as a result of the Conference on Democratic Transition and Consolidation celebrated in Madrid in 2001, a milestone in which 35 heads and ex-heads of state and...

New book of Andres Pastrana “Memorias Olvidadas”

Casa America will host the event in which Andrés Pastrana will hold a conversation with two top Spanish journalists: Ramón Pérez-Maura (ABC newspaper Deputy Director) and Carlos Herrera (Onda Cero radio station) In his recently released book, Mr Pastrana reflects...