González and Jospin support the electoral process in Haiti as a prerequisite for consensus for reconstruction
Almost six months since the start of the Global Leadership for Haiti´s Reconstruction project, the Club de Madrid has positioned itself before the international community and political, economic and social leaders in Haiti as a neutral arbiter accessible to all;...Betancur, Pastrana, Sanguinetti and Zedillo dialogue on political stability, economic prosperity and legal security in Latin America
Latin America is going through a very unique moment, both politically and economically. Despite differences between countries, it can be said in general terms that there has been progress in the region. However, there still remains a shortfall in key development areas...Club de Madrid among the prestigious 2011 Dutch Postcode Lottery donation program beneficiaries
This donation will allow us to attend the growing demand of requests from different countries undergoing political transformation and transition to democracy and thus improve the lives of people. Events in Tunisia, Egyptand tremors in the Middle East over the past...
In Memoriam of Philanthropist, Alan B. Slifka
Alan B. Slifka was the founder and chairman of the Alan B. Slifka Foundation which was established in 1965.
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