Mauricio Macri

Mauricio Macri was President of Argentina between 2015 and 2019.  He was twice Mayor of the City of Buenos Aires, National Deputy, three times President of Boca Juniors Club, and twice one of TIME magazine’s 100 most influential people, in 2016 and 2018. In 2005...

Jean-Claude Juncker

Jean Claude Juncker became Prime Minister of Luxembourg in 1995 after years of serving as the Grand Duchy’s Finance Minister. Early on in his premiership, Juncker was a staunch proponent of European integration, contributing to the Maastricht treaty and many other...

Joachim Gauck

Joachim Gauck is a former President of Germany (2012 and 2017). In 1989, Gauck was one of the founders of the New Forum, a pro-democracy political movement, and became its spokesperson in Rostock, his hometown in Eastern Germany. Months later, in March 1990, he was...

Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca

Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca is a former President of the Republic of Malta (2014- 2019). The House of Representatives, for the first time in its history, unanimously approved a parliamentary resolution nominating her as President.  At the age of 55 years, Coleiro Preca...