José Manuel Durao Barroso

Born on March 23rd, 1956, Lisbon, Portugal. After receiving a law degree at the University of Lisbon (1978), Barroso continued his studies at the University of Geneva, where he earned a European studies degree and a master’s degree (1981) in political science. Barroso...

Joyce Banda

Joyce Banda has been a Club de Madrid Member since 2015.  Joyce Banda served was Malawi’s first female president and Africa’s second.  Before assuming office, Banda served as a Member of Parliament, Minister of Gender and Child Welfare, Foreign Minister, and Vice...

Carlos Mesa

Date and place of birth: La Paz, Bolivia, 1953. Professional experience: B.A. Mesa Gisbert, who graduated in Literature from Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, is a renowned Bolivian politician, historian and journalist. Before taking office as President, he played a...

Mehdi Jomaa

Mehdi Jomaa is a former Prime Minister of Tunisia who, as head of government, was in charge of completing the transition process with the ultimate objective of anchoring the country towards a democratic way.   Mehdi Jomaa was born in Mahdia, Tunisia, in April 1962; he...