Tadeusz Mazowiecki

Place and Date of Birth: Plock (Poland), April 18, 1927. Education: Law Degree from the University of Warsaw. Professional Experience: Mazowiecki worked as a journalist for many years, co-founding the independent Catholic monthly journal Wiez, which he edited until...

Ketumile Masire

Place and Date of Birth: Kanye (Botswana), July 23, 1925. Education: Teaching Degree at Tiger Kloof in the Former British Bechuanaland. Professional Experience: Founder and Director of the Seepapitso secondary school in Kanye (1950). Masire also worked as a farmer and...

António Mascarenhas Monteiro

Place and Date of Birth: Santiago, Cape Verde Island, February 16, 1944. Education: Degree in Law from the Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium. Professional Experience: Mascarenhas worked as a researcher at the University Center of Public Law of Belgium and as a...

Ruud Lubbers

Date and Place of Birth: 7 May 1939, The Netherlands. Education: Mr. Lubbers went to Cansius School in Nimega and studied Economics at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. The title of his thesis “The influence of differing productivity trends in various countries on the...

Zlatko Lagumdzija

Zlatko Lagumdžija was Prime Minister of Bosnia and Herzegovina (2001-2002).  Born in Sarajevo in 1955, Mr Lagumdžija has over 30 years of top academic and political experience, including senior level functions in the Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina. He holds a...