Felipe González

Felipe González is a former President of Spain (1982-1996). His Presidency was characterized by the modernization of the education, healthcare and social security systems, and the entry of Spain to the European Union. Mr González studied Law in the University of...

Eduardo Frei Ruiz-Tagle

Place and Date of Birth: Santiago de Chile (Chile), June 24, 1942. Education: Degree in Civil Engineering with a specialization in Hydraulics, University of Chile and course work in Technical Management Administration in Italy (1969). Professional Experience: Worked...

Vicente Fox

Vicente Fox Quesada Vicente Fox is a former President of Mexico (2000 to 2006). After 71 years of national governments of the same party, Fox was the first president from the opposition. His victory marked a before-and-after in Mexico’s democratic and institutional...

Vigdís Finnbogadóttir

Place and Date of Birth: Reykjavik (Iceland), April 15, 1930. Education: Finnbogadóttir studied literature and drama at the University of Grenoble, the Sorbonne in Paris and at the University of Iceland. Professional Experience: From 1972 to 1980 served as Artistic...

José María Figueres

Date and Place of Birth: 24 December 1954, San José (Costa Rica). Education: Mr. Figueres holds a BA in Industrial Engineering from the US Military Academy (USMA) at West Point (1979), and a Master in Public Administration from the Kennedy School of Public...