Gro Harlem Brundtland

Place and Date of birth: Oslo, April 20, 1939. Education: Medical doctor and Master of Public Health (MPH) from Harvard University. Professional Experience: Spent 10 years as a physician and scientist in the Norwegian public health system. In 1965 she joined the...

Valdis Birkavs

Place and Date of Birth: Riga (Latvia), July 1942. Education: Birkavs studied law, philosophy, sociology, psychology and mathematical logic at the University of Latvia. He received a PhD. in criminology at Moscow’s Institute of Criminology (1978). Professional...

Carl Bildt

Carl Bildt is a former Prime Minister of Sweden and former Foreign Affairs Minister (2006-2014) of Sweden. Born on 15 July 1949 in Halmstadt, Sweden holds an honorary degree from the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, where he is a Fellow at its Institute for the...

José María Aznar

Date and Place of Birth: 25 February 1953, Madrid. Education: José María Aznar earned a Degree in Law from the Complutense University in Madrid (1975). Professional Experience: Before his political career, Mr. Aznar was a tax authority inspector. He currently serves...

Esko Aho

Mr. Aho was a Member of the Finnish Parliament 1983 – 2003. He chaired the Centre Party 1990 – 2002 and was Prime Minister of Finland 1991 – 1995. After political career Esko Aho served as President of the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra 2004 – 2008 and...