Osvaldo Hurtado

Place and Date of Birth: 1939. Education: Studied Law and Political Science at the Universidad Católica of Ecuador. Professional Experience: Taught Political Sociology at the Universidad Católica and at the Centro Andino of the University of New Mexico. Political...

Václav Havel

Date and Place of Birth: 5 October 1936, Prague. Education: Mr. Havel was denied access to higher education but took night classes to finish high school and spent two years at a technical university studying Economics. Professional Experience: After two years of...

António Guterres

Place and Date of Birth: Lisbon (Portugal), April 30, 1949. Education: Electrotechnical Engineering Degree from the Instituto Superior Técnico of the Technical University of Lisbon (1971). Political career and Professional Experience: António Guterres, the ninth...

Mikhail Gorbachev

Date and Place of Birth: 2 March 1931, Privolnoye (USSR, now part of Russia). Education: Mikhail Gorbachev holds a Law Degree from the Moscow State University (1955) and an Agricultural Economy Degree from the Stavropol Agricultural Institute (1967). Professional...

Felipe González

Felipe González is a former President of Spain (1982-1996). His Presidency was characterized by the modernization of the education, healthcare and social security systems, and the entry of Spain to the European Union. Mr González studied Law in the University of...